For many companies, the Internet has become one of the most important marketing media, because these companies actually do business in one way or another over the Internet. True, there are still some companies out there who see their presence in the World Wide Web merely as mandatory, their websites functioning as online versions of business cards, nothing else. But one by one, even those companies are realizing the importance of their web appearance within their marketing mix.
Depending on the look and feel as well as the content of your website, you will be able to not only create attention and attract new potential customers to your site, but actually make money with your website. Many companies have understood that a good design is important in this very visual and competitive world. Some of these companies, however, have not achieved their planned return on investment. They have invested in a good design and graphics, but their websites lack good content.
While 30 years ago, it might have been sufficient to just have a nice looking Internet appearance, today’s market does not work that way any more. Search engines rule the Internet world. Whereas in our parents’ generation, a 20-volume edition of an encyclopedia on the book shelf was more or less common, today we look things up on the Web. Search engine brand names have even made it into our active vocabulary. Instead of saying “I looked it up on the Internet”, people say “I googled it”. Whatever people are interested in, whatever they want to find out, whatever they need to know, they use search engines. Therefore, you need to make sure that your website is found by search engines.